Estate Planning

Anchorage, AK

Estate Planning Expertise

Your life's journey has been a dedicated effort to build personal wealth, to shape your family's future, and secure their well-being. You've chosen a career, found a life partner, and perhaps raised children. Over time, you've acquired assets, from your cherished home to carefully invested retirement funds and essential life insurance.  A large amount of your life has been spent trying to build personal wealth to place your family in a better position than when you were a child.

Now it’s time to take the next important step and plan for the orderly distribution of these assets once you're no longer here to guide the way.  Our team is here to help you with the expertise and guidance needed to create a comprehensive estate plan.

We understand that your eventual passing will already be a challenging time for your family. By allowing our team of legal professionals to assist you in developing an estate plan, you’re not only securing your legacy but also providing your loved ones with invaluable support during an emotionally trying period.  Let us partner with you to safeguard the future of your assets and the well-being of your family through thoughtful and well-crafted estate planning.

Carlson Law Esate Planning

We Can Help

Our Practice Areas

Durable Power of Attorney for Finances

Ensure your financial affairs are in order with a durable power of attorney for finances. This simple and inexpensive step allows someone to manage your finances if you become incapacitated. Without it, court proceedings are likely, causing delays and stress for your loved ones. Plan ahead to save time, money, and heartache.

Final Arrangements

Ease the burden on loved ones by planning your funeral in advance. An open discussion can be a great relief, and wise comparison shopping can lead to financial savings. Document your preferences in advance to ensure they're respected and provide financial relief for your loved ones during a challenging time.

Health Care Directive

Plan for the unexpected. Designate a trusted individual to make healthcare decisions for you through a comprehensive Health Care Directive. As a competent adult, you have the right to control your healthcare choices. Our skilled team ensures your wishes are protected, easing the burden on loved ones during challenging times.

Transfer on Death Deed

Bypass the lengthy probate process with a Transfer on Death Deed. It allows quick transfer of real property to loved ones upon your passing, avoiding probate delays and expenses. You retain flexibility, revoking it or transferring during your lifetime. It’s a strategic solution to simplify property transfer according to your wishes.


Crafting a will is vital for dictating how your estate is distributed post-mortem. Without one, Alaska law dictates distribution. Note that a will doesn't cover assets bypassing probate through designations or titling. We specialize in precise wills, safeguarding your legacy and loved ones.

Call us today, and give our team the opportunity to earn your trust and business.